Man Throws Grandson Into Oven After Allegedly Seeing 'Satan' In Him

A grandfather threw his two-year-old grandchild into a scalding oven because he ‘saw the devil in the boy’.
According to Metro UK, the unnamed boy from Omsk, in Russia, was rescued from the stove but is in a ‘grave’ condition after suffering acute burns over 50 per cent of his body.
The child is fighting for his life in a coma and on a breathing machine, doctors said.
Svetlana Ospennikov, spokeswoman for Omsk regional health department, said: ‘The little patient is in intensive care now.

‘He is in a grave condition.

‘It is too early to make any forecasts.’
The 53 year old grandfather was described as ‘delirious’ when he ‘saw the devil’ in the boy during a drinking session with the child’s grandmother, reported Life.
Fearing ‘Satan’, he threw the child on into the scorching oven, it is alleged.
The couple were believed to be babysitting the toddler at the time.
The crazed man is said to have grabbed the child from his wife and force her out of the house.
Police – who detained the man – said he ‘pushed the child into the scalding oven with the purpose killing him’.
The wife and a woman neighbour rushed back inside and pulled the screaming toddler out of the oven.
The grandparents were caring for the child while their daughter, the girl’s 21 year old mother, Irina Andreeva, was working.
An ambulance chief said: ‘We managed to bring the child out alive, it is such a terrifying story.
‘This is like something the Gestapo would do.’
A police source said: ‘The suspect was detained in the state of strong alcoholic intoxication.’
It is the second Russian case in three months of a child being burned in such a way by grandparents.
In January, an 11-month-old baby died after being placed in an oven by her grandfather, according to police.
The boy called Maxim Sagalakov was left by his mother Viktoria, 20, in the care of her parents in the Khakassia region of Russia.
When she returned, the distraught woman found the child’s charred remains in the stove of the family’s house in Kharoy village.
‘The grandparents were drunk and killed the baby,’ said a statement from the regional Investigative Committee in charge of probing serious crime.

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