Man Tells Court What He Does Before Being Allowed To Have Sex With Wife

A man, Segun Olawoyin has brought a divorce suit before Oja Oba/Mapo Court C Customary Court, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State, against his wife, Funmilayo Olawoyin.
According to Segun, while he was courting Funmilayo, she warned him to have a second thought on his plan of marriage to her.
“I didn’t count what she said serious and brushed it aside. I went on with our marriage plan, but had since regretted not taking heed to her warning. “By the end of the first four months of our marriage, I came to the realisation I had made the greatest mistake in my life.
“My lord, my wife, from the outset of our marriage, has proved to be irresponsible. She has failed totally in her role as a wife and mother. Our children and I receive no care from her. Our home is turned upside down because she cares less about our welfare.
“She never gives me any support in running the home neither does she give any counsel or advice on steps we can take to move our individual lives and family forward. She has nothing to offer.
“My lord, she’s stubborn and always rubbing shoulders with me in the home. Our home is always hot because she’s always insisting on having her way and this I always stand against. I’ve often told her that two captains can’t be in a ship.
“She constantly frustrates my efforts at training our children and handling them with a firm hand. She gets crossed with me anytime I chastise them and shouts on me in their presence.“The worst of it all is that she’s always denying me sex. I prostrate and beg her on many occasions before she agrees to sex. My lord, I’m tired of all these, please separate us, “the plaintiff said.
“My lord, I don’t agree to divorce. All he said are lies. He’s the one who has made our marriage hell for me. “I pray the court not to separate us because I don’t want our children to suffer. I work round the clock to make sure they are well fed and look presentable because he cares less about them, “she said.
Ruling, the court president, Chief Ademola Odunade dissolved their union and awarded custody of their four children to the plaintiff.

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