2 Men Angrily Stab Each Other To Death In Lagos

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Pandemonium broke out in the early hours of yesterday, at Aswani Textile Market, Isolo, Lagos State, when two unidentified men stabbed themselves to death during a brawl, Vanguard reports.
Though there were two versions as to how the incident happened, an eyewitness said during a heated argument one of the men grabbed a knife from a nearby stall with which he stabbed the other man.
The eyewitness, Tunde Ajayi, said: “There was an argument between the two of them, who were in their late 30s. People around were even trying to separate them, but the argument degenerated into fisticuffs.
“In the ensuing melee, one of them ran into a nearby stall, where knives are sold, grabbed one and stabbed the other on the chest.
“Instantly, blood started oozing out of the victim. In quick reaction, the crowd grabbed the attacker to prevent him from escaping. He was beaten blue-black before he was also stabbed.”
Another versions of the story had it that the two fighters stabbed themselves to death during the brawl.
Police arrived the scene and moved the bodies to mortuary. 

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