Kaakaki Host, Adaora Onyechere, Resigns From AIT To Join Politics

Adaora Onyechechere is running for the Imo State House of Assembly seat to represent her constituency and pursue her dream for women and youths.
Aside broadcasting, her passion for issues affecting women and youths are well known, and she has been a strong voice for positive change, according to close associates. She has often been discussed as one of the leading youths to watch out for in 2019 as she continues to focus on social reorientation and self-development for young people from her home state, especially in Okigwe.
Her desire to venture into politics and run for elective position will not come as a surprise to her colleagues and friends. She has always expressed strong and passionate views about politics and governance, and now she has the change to bring about the change she’d always advocated.
As she takes her exit today, there is no doubt that Onyechere will be missed by all her admirers and viewers of AIT. Onyechere’s skilful presentation and screen charm have won many viewers for Kaakaki and endeared her to many.
Her voice, free flowing and insightful presentation have made many of her admirers draw similarities with some other renown female broadcasters such as Aisha Sessay of CNN and Oprah Winfrey.
She redefined Kaakaki and made the show a regular breakfast menu for many viewers of AIT. She brought charm, intellectual depth and passion to the show and made it one of the most watched television shows in the country.
Her soft but persistent and unique interview skills draw out her guests and makes the show worth the time. For eight years she has graced the screen of AIT and delighted viewers across the country. Onyechere is also a strong and articulate voice for women on AIT’s Gender Agenda- Nigeria’s foremost gender programme, which is her brain child. She employs her intensive investigative skills to bring women issues to public attention.

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