Villagers beat sheep thief, post photos online

 A sheep thief in Peru who was captured by the community he stole from was tied and beaten.

The furious locals put Luis Salvador Rodriguez, 20, on trial and found him guilty of stealing their sheep.After dragging him outside, locals tied him up, stripped off his top and took it in turns to whip him with a piece of birch as others formed a circle around him and watched. They then posted the photos online.

A local jury was organised after 80 sheep disappeared from villages in the Banos del Inca district of south Peru.

Putting together a hasty self-appointed court, he was quickly found guilty and sentenced to a lashing.
Village vigilante Lucrecio Villa Gallardo, 43, said:
 'He told us he wasn't to blame and that he had been working for a taxi driver calling himself Colorado who leads a gang.'I have heard of this man but it doesn't make any differenceThis is the man we caught and this is the man we punished. He is stealing our livelihood and deserves what he gets.'
The sheep rustler was also sentenced by the peoples' court to community service, working for free for each of the farmers he stole from.


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